New Member Class

GrowWe schedule New Member Classes periodically throughout the year. We look at what the Church is about, who Jesus is, who we are as United Methodists, and what it means to be a member. The class is typical conducted on a Sunday afternoon at the church, and dinner is provided.

If you are interested, contact Pastor Gary.



Why Should I Join the Church

  1. Church MembershipFor one’s own spiritual good. Making the commitment to the church helps you live out your commitment. By joining, we promise to uphold the church by “our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.” We grow because we make a commitment.
  2. For the sake of obedience to Jesus. Jesus did not give you the keys of the kingdom for binding and loosing. He gave the keys to the local church (see Matthew 16:13-20). You don’t have the authority to baptize yourself or feed yourself the Lord’s Supper.
  3. For the sake of the pastors. It lets the pastors know who you are and makes them responsible for you (see Hebrews 13:17).
  4. For the sake of other believers. Joining makes you responsible for one local congregation, and they for you. You now own or have a share in their discipleship to Christ. That is, you are now responsible for their growth and professions of faith, insofar as you are responsible for the church’s faithful gospel preaching and that individual’s discipline (see Galatians 6:1-3).
  5. For the sake of non-Christian neighbors. Membership helps to protect and promote the reputation of Christ on Earth by guarding the church’s witness (see John 13:34-35). Membership is how the world knows who represents Jesus!