From Charlette Genslinger: Thank you for the lovely Christmas floral arrangement. I was just thinking how nice it would be to have a new arrangement and you sent one in remembrance of Mitch. He was a dear son and loved by so many. We can picture him on a white sheet being taken by two cherubs to heaven to be with God and with our grandson Andy. Loving all of you so much for all the cards, hugs, and words of encouragement. Every time I look at his picture, I give him a hug and a kiss on his forehead. God is my strength. We watch the Sunday services on our computer. Please pray for Kent; so hard for him to understand.
Fellowship Night: One of our goals in 2025 is to increase our fellowship opportunities. So, we are announcing our first event of the year: Game Night. This popular event, sponsored by the Pastor’s Sunday School class, will be held TONIGHT, February 2nd at 6 P.M. with a Potluck meal. Come and enjoy the fun and fellowship.
Souper Bowl Lunch: Next Sunday, February 9th will be our annual “Souper Bowl” lunch. Bring a Crockpot with your favorite soup to share with everyone. Lunch will begin after Sunday School, around 11:30 a.m. A sign-up sheet is located at the Welcome Center. You are also encouraged to wear your favorite team apparel to church on this day.
ATTENTION LADIES! OUR NEXT BIBLE STUDY STARTS TUESDAY!: Our next bible study is entitled “The Gospel of Mark – The Jesus We’re Aching For” by Lisa Harper.
Dates – 2-4-25 to 3-18-25 – 7 Weeks Time – 6:30 to 8:30
Location – GMC Fellowship Hall Book Cost – $20.00
All ladies are welcome! Sign up at the Welcome Desk or by texting, emailing Myra Wheeler at 937-204-5368 or You can also send a Facebook message.
Goshen College Choir Concert: You are invited to join us in welcoming Vox Profundi (Latin for “low voices”), a men’s choral group from Goshen College, on Wednesday, February 26th at 7 PM. This group of twenty-eight young men will perform a variety of selections, with special emphasis on sacred a cappella pieces. We will provide a meal for the group (see Karen Carmickle) at 5:30 and will need host families for them to stay (see Mary Wiser).
Glorify Team Meeting: There will be a Glorify Team meeting on Wednesday, February 19th at 6:00 p.m.
Altar Committee Meeting: The Altar Committee will be meeting at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 1st to reorganize and revamp altar materials.
Need a computer? You may remember Gary mentioning that a hinge for the screen of his laptop broke between Christmas and New Years. While it made the device no longer portable, it is still a decent computer and could be used as a desktop instead. If you could use a computer, contact Gary. He will even help you set it up if necessary.
C.A.M.P. January/February Wish List: Tuna, Jelly, Soups, Instant Oatmeal, Boxed Dinners (such as Hamburger or Tuna Helper). Personal Care & Cleaning Products are always needed & welcome. If you are able, grab one or two extra items when you go to the store.
Donations For St. Paul UMC: We continue to accept household items (no furniture) and clothing in good, usable condition. Items may be placed in the coat closet near the media booth. Please have items labeled “mission”. Our faithful volunteers, Dale White & Don Berger, deliver these items to St. Paul UMC in Dayton where the items are made available to those in need.
Operation Christmas Child January-February Collection: The collection for Operation Christmas Child will start up again in mid-January! We will collect knit hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, warm socks, and slipper socks. Those items may be placed in the collection tub near the church office. If you see a “good deal” on any items that we usually collect for this mission project, you are welcome to add those items to the collection!! This really helps us in our ongoing goal to fill over 100 shoe boxes each year in November! Thank you for always supporting this mission that helps spread the Gospel of Jesus with small toys, necessities, and literature for needy children around the world!!
Soup and Cracker Collection: Our focus for the remainder of January and all of February will be to collect canned soups and crackers. These items will be split between C.A.M.P. and the Blessing Box in town. Our donations will be very appreciated during this cold time of year. Thank you for all you provide. – The Go Team