Growing Spiritually

Who is God? Why am I here? Does my life have purpose?

These are the questions of humanity… questions you may be asking. And until you have found the answers to these questions from the God of the Bible, your life will never, ever be what it was original intended to be. Click here for more information.

devotionsHow do I grow daily in the Lord?

A daily devotional life is essential in the life of a fully devoted follower of Jesus. It is food for the soul, the connection in the relationship, the start for the day.

The Bible repeatedly tells to mediate on the Word of God (Psalm 1:2). Jesus spent time alone in prayer (Mark 1:35)

How do you do this:

  1. Set aside a time at the start of the day (this is more important than the newspaper or the local news). Find a place with limited distractions.
  2. Begin with Prayer: This is like an initial greeting to a loved one or friend. Give your time to God, asking Him to speak what He wants for you today.
  3. Bible Reading: Pick a book of the Bible and read at least a chapter a day. If you are new to this, choose the Gospel of Mark. Follow-up books could be 1 John, Ephesians, Proverbs, Psalms. Use a notebook as a journal to record any insights. And don’t be afraid to underline in your Bible; nuggets of truth today will bless you in the years to come. Click here for our current Scripture reading plan.
  4. Devotional Reading: Often it is helpful to read a brief devotional. Choose one that helps you grow in your maturity. See the devotional links below.
  5. Prayer Time: Spend time in prayer. A helpful formula to guide you is the ACTS Prayer:
    • Adoration (praising God)
    • Confession (confess your sins, ask for forgiveness)
    • Thanksgiving (be thankful for all that God is doing in your life)
    • Supplication (lift concerns and request to God; addition prayer concerns are on the Prayer page.)
  6. Close in prayer, giving the day to God, asking Him to help you be His witness in your world today.

Your spiritual life will grow as you become more like Christ.

Here’s our current reading plan.

Devotional Links

Our Daily Bread, published by RBC

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

Email Devotionals from