Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14, NLT)
Sunday School
We at Germantown Methodist Church want to encourage children of all ages to attend Sunday school. We use Seedbed curriculum to teach our child about our faith and get them excited about Jesus. What better way to do that than with engaging and caring teachers and exciting activities and crafts. And don’t forget, there’s donuts!
Sundays 10:15-11:15 AM
Ages K-2nd grade: Room 10
Grades 3rd-5th: Room 7
Grades 6th-12th: Room 4 & 5
Children’s Church
Activities, Bible lessons, songs, craft… all during the worship time.
The group is currently learning about Psalm 23.
For kids K-3rd grade, the third Sunday of every month, 9:20-10:00 AM.
Watch for monthly fun activities outside of worship and Sunday School! See our Facebook page.
Cub Scouts
We believe all God’s children should grow into fullness of life. Scouting teaches that the world is our home. Scouting builds character, responsibility, friendships, work ethic, service, genuine patriotism, and vital faith.
The church has a Charter Agreement with the Boy Scouts of America to provide leadership and manage Cub Scout Pack 409. See the church calendar for meeting times/places and special events.
For all the latest information on Cub Scout Pack 409, visit their web site.
To register, click here.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is something our children look forward to each summer. Energetic songs, insightful Bible lessons, really cool crafts, great food; all leading to a deeper relationship with Jesus. See our Facebook page.